
“Azersu” OJSC is honored the “Most Active State Enterprise” award

Created: 12-07-2023 14:34


Event on the results of the 2-year activity of the Online Public Monitoring Platform (www.enezaret.az) project was held. In accordance of the 2-year activity totals “Azersu” OJSC of the State Water Resources Agency, Baku Transport Agency, Main State Traffic Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan were presented “Most active state enterprise” award.

Another 28 institutions were awarded for effective cooperation. The Enezaret Platform accepts appeals from citizens regarding various problems related to infrastructure and amenities that concern them and addresses them to the relevant state institutions and achieves their solution. According to the results of the 2-year activity, more than 70 percent of the problems mentioned in the applications had found its solution. During the relevant reporting period, 31 state institutions cooperated with the Platform in considering citizens' appeals and solving the problems mentioned in these appeals.