
A new drinking water project has been launched in Binagadi settlement

Created: 16-03-2021 16:24


“Azersu” OJSC continues to implement projects to improve the supply of drinking water to the population in Baku and surrounding settlements. The company has launched a new project in Binagadi settlement of Binagadi district at the expense of company’s internal resources.

The project, which began in March this year, covers the area of Binagadi settlement, 2nd Meden, 87th corps. There is no centralized drinking water network in the area. The drinking water supply is provided here via the individually network created by the population and does not meet construction standards. Individual and scattered lines and installed distribution collectors do not allow for normal water supply. Frequent accidents in water lines that have been in disrepair for many years lead to disruption of stable hydraulic regimes in the system, serious water losses, as well as certain risks to water quality. Especially in the summer months, it is not possible to provide consumers with a normal supply of drinking water through such a network. Frequent crashes in water lines caused by exploitation for many years lead to disruption of stable hydraulic regimes in the system, serious water looses, as well as certain risks to water quality. Especially in the summer months, it is not possible to provide consumers with a normal supply of drinking water through such a network.


A new 2 km long drinking water network with polyethylene pipes of different diameters is being built within the project implemented by “Azersu” OJSC at the expense of internal resources to provide the population with sustainable and quality drinking water, establish accurate records and prevent water losses. More than 200 individual houses and facilities in the area covered by the project are provided with outlets, meters are installed.

The construction – installation is expected to be completed in early April this year. Within the framework of this project, the drinking water supply of about 1,000 residents of Binagadi settlement in the area called 2nd Meden 87th corps will be significantly improved.

It should be noted that, at the expense of internal resources of “Azersu” OJSC, projects are being implemented in Binagadi region, Absheron, Sabail, Sabunchu, Surakhani, Khazar regions, as well as in villages and settlements of Hajigbul, Saatli, Tovuz regions.